.one::before {
          display: flex;
          flex-wrap: wrap;
          padding: 24px;
          background-color: royalblue;
          color: white;
          content: 'Just some' ' text '
            ' and more text after an image';
          justify-content: space-around;
          align-items: center;
          gap: 32px;
Just some text Doggy and more text after an image
            Just some
            <img src="https://picsum.photos/id/237/360/150" alt="Doggy">
            and more text after an image
          .two > span {
            display: flex;
            flex-wrap: wrap;
            padding: 24px;
            background-color: royalblue;
            color: white;
            justify-content: space-around;
            align-items: center;
            gap: 32px;
        .three::before {
          padding: 24px;
          background-color: tomato;
          color: white;
          content: 'Just some' ' text ' url('https://picsum.photos/id/237/360/150')
            ' and more text after an image';
Just some text Doggy and more text after an image
        .four > span {
          padding: 24px;
          background-color: tomato;
          color: white;
        .five::before {
          padding: 24px;
          background-color: seagreen;
          color: white;
          content: 'Just some' ' text ' url('https://picsum.photos/id/237/360/150')
            ' and more text after an image';
          display: grid;
          grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
          gap: 32px;
          place-items: center;
          direction: rtl;
        .six::before {
          padding: 24px;
          background-color: burlywood;
          color: white;
          content: initial;